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- 15 min Ritardato - Euronext Paris
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Tipologia: Azioni
Ticker: ALRIB
ISIN: FR0000075954

Riber: Order for a production MBE machine in Germany

  • 162

Order for a production MBE machine in Germany

Bezons (France), August 16, 2023 – 8:00am (CET) – RIBER, the global leader for Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) equipment serving the semiconductor industry, is announcing a multi-million Euros order for a MBE 412 system.

A German industrial customer has just ordered an automated MBE 412 machine to be used to produce optoelectronic devices. More specifically, this machine is designed to passivate laser facets, in particular GaAs-based quantum dot lasers, covering a wide range of applications: LiDAR, fiber-optic communication, cloud networking...

The MBE 412 system is the most suitable 4-inch wafer MBE research and pilot production tool on the market for III-V and advanced materials. Its modularity enables both development and production of new products by easily integrating the various control instruments required. Developed some ten years ago, the MBE 412 has since enjoyed great success, with over 25 systems currently in operation worldwide.

This order will be delivered in 2024.


RIBER is the global market leader for MBE - molecular beam epitaxy - equipment. It designs and produces equipment for the semiconductor industry and provides scientific and technical support for its clients (hardware and software), maintaining their equipment and optimizing their performance and output levels.

Accelerating the performance of electronics, RIBER’s equipment performs an essential role in the development of advanced semiconductor systems that are used in numerous applications, from information technologies to photonics (lasers, sensors, etc.), 5G telecommunications networks and research including the field of quantum computing.

RIBER is a BPI France-approved innovative company and is listed on the Euronext Growth Paris market (ISIN: FR0000075954).



RIBER : Christian Dupont| tel: +33 (0)1 39 96 65 00 | [email protected]

CALYPTUS : Cyril Combe | tel: +33 (0)1 53 65 68 68 | [email protected]



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