- EUR (-)
- 15 min Ritardato - Euronext Paris
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Tipologia: Azioni
Ticker: EMEIS
ISIN: FR001400NLM4

Availability of the Independent Expert's Report Drawn Up in the Context of the Financial Restructuring of ORPEA S.A.

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Regulatory News:

ORPEA (Paris:ORP):

Availability of the independent expert's report

The shareholders are informed of the publication of the report dated 24 May 2023 of SORGEM Evaluation, which acted as an independent expert with the task of giving an opinion, in accordance with Article 261-3 of the Règlement Général of the Autorité des marchés financiers, on the fairness of the proposed financial restructuring of the Company for the shareholders of the Company.

The independent expert's report is available to shareholders in full on the Company's website (link) and at the Company's registered office.

The conclusions of the SORGEM Evaluation report are as follows: "In these circumstances, we are of the opinion that the financial terms of the proposed restructuring plan are fair to the current ORPEA shareholders.”

Availability of audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022

ORPEA S.A. also announces the availability of its consolidated financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2022 and the associated auditors' report on the Company's website (link).

Extension of the accelerated safeguard procedure

By judgment of the Nanterre Commercial Court dated 22 May 2023, the accelerated safeguard procedure was extended for a further two months, from 24 May to 24 July 2023.


ORPEA is a leading global player, expert in providing care for all types of frailty. The Group operates in 21 countries and covers three core businesses: care for the elderly (nursing homes, assisted living facilities, homecare and services), post-acute and rehabilitation care and mental health care (specialized clinics). It has more than 76,000 employees and welcomes more than 267,000 patients and residents each year.


ORPEA is listed on Euronext Paris (ISIN: FR0000184798) and is a member of the SBF 120, MSCI Small Cap Europe and CAC Mid 60 indices.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230524005837/en/

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