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- 15 min Ritardato - NASDAQ OTCBB
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Tipologia: Azioni
Ticker: AABB

AABB - Asia Metals Achieves $16 Million Annual Gross Profit and Validates Mining Operations Success

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LAS VEGAS, Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC : AABB), through its wholly owned subsidiary Asia Metals Inc., announced today that the Company is in the process of finalizing its financial results for the year ending December 31, 2020, and has confirmed an all-time high annual gross profit of $16 million. The achievement of this milestone affirms the Company’s successful mining operations established in 2020.

Subsequent to the closing the 2020 year-end, AABB completed the sale of its mining operations in the Guerrero Gold Belt (GGB), Mexico, for $82 million, further validating the Company’s development achievements. AABB thereafter shifted its focus to leverage its resources and experience to duplicate its successful GGB mining operations expansion model on its high potential Colima, Mexico, gold property. Additionally, the Company has allocated $10 million for the initial phase development program to accelerate operations and expansion toward production at the Colima property. The construction of exploration and development facilities and infrastructure roads has already begun as part of the first phase development program.

AABB’s strategic growth focus has allowed the Company to capitalize on a unique ability to connect mineral resources in Mexico with a high resource demand and abundant investment capital in Asia.

Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC : AABB), through its wholly owned subsidiary Asia Metals Inc., is a resource company focused on the production, supply and sale of precious and base metals, primarily to Asian markets. The Company utilizes its specific geographic expertise, experience and extensive industry contacts to facilitate its innovative distribution process from the production and supply of precious and base metals in Mexico to client sales networks in Asia. This vertical integration approach to sales transactions is the unique strength of AABB that differentiates the Company and creates distinctive value for shareholders. AABB also is releasing a freshly minted mine-to-token gold-backed cryptocurrency and expects to become a world-wide standard of exchange that is secured and trusted with gold backing, an outstanding quality relative to other cryptocurrencies.

Contact the Company at:

Investor Relations
Email:[email protected]

Forward-Looking Statements are contained in this press release within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are based on the Asia Broadband Inc.’s (the “Company”) expected current beliefs about the Company’s business, which are subject to uncertainty and change. The operations and results of the Company could materially differ from what is expressed or implied by the statements made above when industry, regulatory, market and competitive circumstances change. Further information about these risks can be found in the annual and quarterly disclosures the Company has published on the OTC Markets website. The Company is under no obligation to update or alter its forward-looking statements as future circumstances, events and information may change.


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