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- 15 min Ritardato - Euronext Paris
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Tipologia: Azioni
Ticker: EL
ISIN: FR0000121667

EssilorLuxottica: First-Quarter 2023 Revenue Conference Call Invitation

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First-Quarter 2023 Revenue
Conference Call Invitation

Mr STEFANO GRASSI, Chief Financial Officer, and
Mr GIORGIO IANNELLA, Head of Investor Relations,
have the pleasure of inviting you to our First-Quarter 2023 Revenue Conference Call on:

Thursday, April 20, 2023, at 6:30 pm CEST

Please note that both the Press Release publication and the Conference Call start have been moved to the evening time, i.e. 6:00 pm CEST for the Press Release and 6:30 pm CEST for the Conference Call.

Dial-in telephone access

If you wish to dial into the conference call, please pre-register at the following link to receive personal credentials (Dial-in numbers, Conference ID and User ID):

If you encounter any issue in the pre-registration phase you may contact [email protected], providing your name and surname and the name of your company.

Live webcast

You can watch the presentation at the following link:

The press release will be published at 6:00 pm CEST on the same day and the presentation slides will be made available prior to the call. Both can be found on



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