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Ticker: CAD
ISIN: GB00B12WC938

Cadogan Petroleum Plc - Result of AGM

  • 119
Cadogan Petroleum Plc - Result of AGM

PR Newswire

Cadogan Petroleum plc

Result of Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of Cadogan Petroleum plc was held on Friday 24th June 2022 at 2.00pm at the offices of Shakespeare Martineau LLP, 6th Floor, 60 Gracechurch Street, London EC3V 0HR.

The Directors of the Company wish to announce that all resolutions proposed at the AGM were passed.  All resolutions were approved on a show of hands at the meeting.  The results of the proxy votes received in advance of the meeting are reported below:

Resolution Ordinary/ Special For Against Withheld
Total votes cast
No. of votes % No. of votes %
1. To receive the Annual Financial Report Ordinary 90,181,629 99.55 410,714 0.45 17,234 90,592,343
2.  Report on Remuneration Ordinary 83,255,878 91.89 7,348,465 8.11 5,234 90,604,343
3. To re-elect Michel Meeùs as a Director of the Company Ordinary 83,255,878 91.89 7,348,465 8.11 5,234 90,604,343
4. To re-elect Fady Khallouf as a Director of the Company Ordinary 83,255,878 91.89 7,348,465 8.11 5,234 90,604,343
5. To re-elect Jacques Mahaux as a Director of the Company Ordinary 83,255,878 91.89 7,348,465 8.11 5,234 90,604,343
6. To re-elect Lillia Jolibois as a Director of the Company Ordinary 83,255,878 91.89 7,348,465 8.11 5,234 90,604,343
7. To re-elect Gilbert Lehmann as a Director of the Company
Ordinary 70,822,227 84.62 12,873,979 15.38 6,913,371 83,696,206
8. To re-appoint Grant Thornton as auditor Ordinary 83,267,878 99.49 428,328 0.51 6,913,371 83,696,206
9. To authorise the Directors to determine the auditor’s fees. Ordinary 90,164,015 99.53 428,328 0.47 17,234 90,592,343
10. To authorise the Directors to allot shares. Ordinary 90,150,560 99.51 441,783 0.49 17,234 90,592,343
11. To authorise the Directors to disapply pre-emption rights. Special 90,150,560 99.51 441,783 0.49 17,234 90,592,343
 12. To authorise the Company to purchase its own shares.
Special 90,164,015 99.53 428,328 0.47 17,234 90,592,343
13. To authorise calling of a general meeting on 14 clear days’ notice.
Special 90,176,015     99.53       428,328     0.47          5,234     90,604,343

A vote withheld is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of votes validly cast for or against a resolution.

Copies of the resolutions passed as special resolutions at the AGM will shortly be available for inspection at the National Storage Mechanism, which is located at:

Ben Harber


27th June 2022

PR Newswire
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