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Tipologia: | Azioni |
Ticker: | HEI.A |
HEICO Corporation Sets Annual Meeting and Record Dates
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MIAMI and HOLLYWOOD, Fla., Dec. 12, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HEICO Corporation (NYSE:HEI.A) (NYSE:HEI) today announced that its Annual Shareholders’ Meeting will be held on March 17, 2017. Shareholders of record at the close of business on January 13, 2017 will be entitled to vote at the meeting.
HEICO has two classes of common stock traded on the NYSE. Both classes, the Class A Common Stock (HEI.A) and the Common Stock (HEI), are virtually identical in all economic respects. The only difference between the share classes is the voting rights. The Class A Common Stock (HEI.A) receives 1/10 vote per share and the Common Stock (HEI) receives one vote per share. There are currently approximately 40.3 million shares of HEICO’s Class A Common Stock (HEI.A) outstanding and 27.0 million shares of HEICO’s Common Stock (HEI) outstanding. The stock symbols for HEICO’s two classes of common stock on most web sites are HEI.A and HEI. However, some web sites change HEICO’s Class A Common Stock stock symbol (HEI.A) to HEI/A or HEIa.
HEICO Corporation is engaged primarily in the design, production, servicing and distribution of products and services to certain niche segments of the aviation, defense, space, medical, telecommunications and electronics industries through its Hollywood, Florida-based Flight Support Group and its Miami, Florida-based Electronic Technologies Group. HEICO's customers include a majority of the world's airlines and overhaul shops, as well as numerous defense and space contractors and military agencies worldwide, in addition to medical, telecommunications and electronics equipment manufacturers. For more information about HEICO, please visit our website at http://www.heico.com.
Contact: Victor H. Mendelson (305) 374-1745 ext. 7590 Carlos L. Macau, Jr. (954) 987-4000 ext. 7570
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